GL878 - Red Hat Containers Kubernetes OpenShift Admin I

Current version: A01

RHCSA Equivalent
Supported Distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Course Outline:
  1. Managing Images
    1. Image Fundamentals
    2. Container Fundamentals
    3. Podman Images
    4. Podman Configuration
    5. Managing Images with Skopeo
    6. Save/Load Images
    7. Committing Changes
    8. Containerfile
    9. Caching
    10. Building Images with Buildah
    11. Containerfile Instructions
    12. ENV and WORKDIR
    13. Running Commands
    14. Getting Files into the Image
    15. Defining Container Executable
    17. Best Practices
    18. Multi-Stage builds with Containerfile
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container and Pod Fundamentals
    2. Containerfile Fundamentals
    3. Optimizing Image Build Size
  2. Installation and Core Concepts
    1. OCP 4.x Installation
    2. DEMO: Installing OpenShift on AWS
    3. Pod Fundamentals
    4. Working with Pods
    5. Kubernetes Architecture
    6. Cluster Communication
    7. Openshift Overview
    8. Controlling Access to the Kubernetes API
    9. Kubectl Configuration
    10. Service Accounts
    11. Role–Based Access Control
    12. Security Context Constraints (SCCs)
    13. Objects
    14. Object Properties
    15. Labels & Selectors
    16. Annotations
    17. Object Management
    18. Object Management (cont.)
    19. DEMO: Configuring an Identity Provider
    20. DEMO: Openshift Web Console
    Lab Tasks
    1. Openshift CLI Basics
    2. Pod Fundamentals
    3. Openshift GUI Basics
  3. Application Lifecycle Management
    1. Pod Lifecycle
    2. Container Lifecycle
    3. Init Containers
    4. Container: command and args
    5. Container: Defining Environment
    6. ReplicaSet
    7. Deployments
    8. Working with Deployments
    9. Deployment Rollouts
    10. Source to Image
    11. Build Configs
    12. Image Streams
    13. Deployment Config
    Lab Tasks
    1. Pod Lifecycle
    2. Init Containers
    3. Deployments
    4. Scaling Workloads
    5. (DEMO) —CLI— Deploy GitLab with Persistent Storage
    6. Deoploying Applications in OpenShift
  4. Networking
    1. Network Overview
    2. Openshift Networking
    3. Service Discovery & CoreDNS
    4. Container Network Interface (CNI)
    5. Services
    6. Ingress Objects
    7. Routes
    Lab Tasks
    1. Port-Forwarding
    2. Services
    3. Openshift Routes
  5. Storage
    1. Storage
    2. Volume Types
    3. Static Volumes (DEMO)
    4. ConfigMaps
    5. Secrets
    6. Openshift Data Foundation
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Static Volumes
    2. (DEMO) ConfigMaps & Secrets
    3. Static Volume Provisioning
    4. ConfigMaps and Secrets
  6. Scheduling
    1. Controlling and Tracking Resources
    2. Scheduler Operation
    3. DaemonSet
    4. Node Affinity & Anti-affinity
    5. Pod Affinity & Anti-affinity
    6. Taints & Tolerations
    Lab Tasks
    1. Pod Resources and Scheduling
    2. Static Scheduling and Daemonsets
    3. Pod and Node Affinities
  7. Logging, Monitoring, Alerting
    1. Red Hat EFK
    2. DEMO: Installing OpenShift Logging
    3. Audit Logs
    4. Events
    5. Monitoring Architecture Overview
    6. Configuring Monitoring
    7. DEMO
    Lab Tasks
    1. Kibana Logs
    2. Prometheus Metrics
  1. Jobs and CronJobs
    1. Jobs
    2. CronJobs
    Lab Tasks
    1. Jobs
    2. CronJobs
  2. Linux Containers
    1. Application Management Landscape
    2. Application Isolation
    3. Resource Measurement and Control
    4. Container Security
    5. OverlayFS Overview
    6. Container Security
    7. Open Container Initiative
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container Concepts runC
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